Combined Shape

The Start of the Journey

Once upon a time, a man who had lost the strength to fight, the hardships of everyday life had eroded his spirit, leaving him devoid of hope. One day, he met an old man who told him about an ancient pilgrimage, known for transforming those who undertook it, forging their character.

The Road to Rebirth

Along the way, he was put to the test and often felt overwhelmed. However, whenever he was on the verge of giving up, he remembered the old man’s words: "It is through suffering that you will find your strength." As the days passed, the man began to notice an increase in his endurance, and with it, his ability to face difficulties.

The Peak of Fear

One day, he found himself facing a high mountain. Looking at the peak, he was overwhelmed by doubt and fear. Instead of stopping, he began to climb, step by step. Each step reminded him of the challenges he had overcome and the strength he was rediscovering within himself. When he finally reached the summit, he reflected on the climb he had just completed and realized that true strength did not lie in avoiding difficulties, but in facing and overcoming them.

Rediscovered Resilience

Reinvigorated by this new awareness, he completed the pilgrimage. With the resilience forged during the journey, he faced new life challenges with renewed determination. The difficulties did not disappear, but he now knew how to tackle them, step by step, with the understanding that he possessed the inner strength to overcome them.


Become the best version of yourself

Embark on the path to becoming stronger, face your challenges and difficulties with determination, develop yourself through the practice of discipline and foster social connections to enhance your empathy.

Join the army

Prove to yourself that you can overcome your limits and become better. Leave your email address, and if we gather enough participants, we'll send you three challenges along with instructions on how to prove your success. If you succeed, you'll gain access to the exclusive "More Than Humans" circle and earn the right to wear our distinctive mark


    The Start of the Journey

    Once upon a time, there was a man who had lost the strength to fight. The hardships of everyday life had eroded his spirit, leaving him devoid of hope. One day, he met an old man who told him about an ancient pilgrimage known for transforming those who undertook it and forging their character.

    The Road to Rebirth

    Along the way, he faced numerous tests and often felt overwhelmed. However, whenever he was on the verge of giving up, he remembered the old man’s words: “It is through suffering that you will find your strength." As the days passed, he began to notice an increase in his endurance and, with it, a growing ability to face difficulties.

    The Peak of Fear

    One day, he found himself facing a towering mountain. As he looked at the summit, he was overwhelmed by doubt and fear. Instead of stopping, he began to climb, step by step. Each step reminded him of the challenges he had overcome and the strength he was rediscovering within himself. When he finally reached the top, he reflected on the climb he had just completed and realized that true strength lay not in avoiding difficulties but in facing and overcoming them.

    Renewed Resilience

    Reinvigorated by this newfound awareness, he completed the pilgrimage. With the resilience forged during the journey, he faced new life challenges with renewed determination. The difficulties did not disappear, but he now knew how to tackle them step by step, with the understanding that he possessed the inner strength to overcome them.

    The Paradox of the Prodigy

    Once, there was a boy known for his remarkable/extraordinary talent. From a young age, he demonstrated natural ability and was widely regarded as exceptional. However, he lacked discipline and consistency. When given an opportunity to change his life, he arrived unprepared due to his shortcomings and failed the challenge. His talent alone could not compensate for his lack of commitment.

    Dedication and Hard work

    He realized that discipline was a cornerstone of success. Therefore, he decided to change his attitude, focus, and commitment. He began waking up at dawn, spending hours improving himself, and studying every day to become stronger, faster, and more determined. After months of hard work, he was given a second chance, and this time he was ready.

    Beyond Talent

    His transformation was evident: his natural ability now shone along with his resilience, focus, and determination. He succeeded in his endeavor, and he was not only pleased with the success he had achieved but also proud of the journey he had undertaken. He learned that talent is just one part of success, and that commitment, dedication, and hard work are essential to achieving one’s dreams.

    Glimpses of Indifference

    A woman was traveling through the mountains when she twisted her ankle and found herself unable to move. By chance, a man passed by on the same path; although he saw her, he continued on without stopping. Shortly afterward, another man arrived at the same spot, and like the first, he too passed by without offering assistance.

    The one who makes the difference

    A third man passed by and felt compassion. He approached her and tried to help, but the sprain was too severe for her to walk. Determined not to leave her there, he enlisted the help of another traveler. Together, they took turns carrying her on their backs and brought her to the nearest shelter.

    The power of humanity

    Reflecting on the woman’s gratitude, the man felt a profound change within himself. A deep and complete inner peace filled him, allowing him to fully appreciate the value of altruism. The woman then reflected on the actions of the different men. She realized that the kindness of the third traveler had saved her. She understood that altruism was not merely a gesture, but a gift that could transform a person’s life. From that moment on, she decided to dedicate part of her time to helping others, inspired by the man’s example.
